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Sacred Soul Astrology

Illuminating the Soul’s Path

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Diane Perriam

Astrologer, Soul Tender, Meditation and Yoga Nidra Guide

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Sacred Soul Astrology

Illuminating the Soul’s Path

Dummy Text

Diane Perriam

Astrologer, Soul Tender, Meditation and Yoga Nidra Guide

Sacred Soul Offerings

Astrology Offerings at Sacred Soul Astrology


Meditation Offerings at Sacred Soul Astrology


Stillness-Based Yoga Options at Sacred Soul Astrology

Yoga Nidra

Hello and a very warm welcome to

Sacred Soul Astrology

If you find yourself at a stage where you are open to delving into the mystery of life, initiating or deepening your journey of self-discovery, healing and spiritual growth, along with welcoming a more conscious way of living both now and in the future, then I invite you to explore my soul-centred offerings

I will work in partnership with you, supporting you on your unique pathway. All consultations and programmes I offer embrace an embodied soul-centred perspective, featuring a personalised, experiential approach.

You will find me in Scotland. I am on the beautiful Moray Coast near Elgin where you can meet with me in person, or online appointments can easily be arranged.

Hello and a very warm welcome to Sacred Soul Astrology

If you find yourself at a stage where you are open to delving into the mystery of life, initiating or deepening your journey of self-discovery, healing and spiritual growth, along with welcoming a more conscious way of living both now and in the future, then I invite you to explore my soul-centred offerings

I will work in partnership with you, supporting you on your unique pathway. All consultations and programmes I offer embrace an embodied soul-centred perspective, featuring a personalised, experiential approach.

You will find me in Scotland. I am on the beautiful Moray Coast near Elgin where you can meet with me in person, or online appointments can easily be arranged.


                                        “What is this precious love and laughter, budding in our hearts?                                                                              It is the glorious sound, of a soul waking up!”

Diane Perriam, Sacred Soul Astrology

‘What is this precious love and laughter                                            Budding in our hearts?                                                                        It is the glorious sound                                                                      Of a soul waking up!’                     Hafiz

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